Sunday, April 3, 2011

Now Hiring

I learned a valuable lesson today.  Actually I learned two, one from church and one from baking, but let's be honest.  No one really cares to hear me preach in a blog.  So, onto lesson numero dos: Everyone will fail you.

Stick with me.  No sermon to follow.  I promise.

The Pioneer Woman, my idol, FAILED.  I saw a recipe the other day for malted milk chocolate chip cookies on her blog and thought to myself, "Huh, there's an idea."  Plus, with all her vivid pictures, I just couldn't resist.  So, off the cupcake wagon I jumped to try out another cookie modification.  Let me just say this: my parents knew what they were doing when they shielded me from things like whoppers and milkshakes and meat.  Well, the meat thing has nothing to do with this and is a post for another time and they were wrong about that. Anyway, malted milk gives things that aftertaste that screams nothing but "health", but that taste is but a lie.  Malt simply triples the calorie content* and makes cookies taste bad.  It did give them a beautiful rich color, but that is beside the point.

There is an upside to this, however.  Redemption for all can be found.  In caramel.  I added caramel to the batter and masked the malt.  Masked the malt.  I've thought for a while about writing an entirely alliterated post but have never done so.  Maybe I'll work on that next.  Wow, I definitely have a penchant for getting off topic.

Anyway, I tried malt and I'm putting it back in the cupboard.  Back in the back of the cupboard, that is.  So much for my experimentations.  Basics.  When it comes to cookies, I do basics best.  Here's to hoping I remember that.

Also, I am now accepting applications for the position of "Mung Bean's Pedestal".  All references will be contacted.  

*I only passed math in high school because my Algebra II/Trig teacher died on the last day of class during our final and never got a chance to calculate grades.  True story.  Believe my calculations at your own risk.    

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