I gave a girl my number tonight. I am elated. Rewind with me for a moment, and this will make more sense. A good friend of mine has been known to walk up to other girls that she has observed from afar (in the most non-stalker sense of the word "observe"), and tell them she has a friend crush on them and would like to hang out. Friend crush. It makes sense. Well, at least it does to me. And the kinds of people I surround myself with, apparently. Anyway, there is this girl in my class who is basically me and I am entranced by the thought of another mungbean walking around this earth. She is this small little Indian girl, made of curry and spice and everything nice, who initially appears to be quiet and demure but actually has much more fire and spunk than she lets on. I saw through that veneer from a mile away as I am all too familiar with it. Anyway, I asked if she planned on taking the second course and she replied that we should continue on our Wilton journey together.
There is something about wanting to be friends with someone and learning that they want you as their friend back that can turn the stormiest of days into May.
I called my parents after class because no one revels in sharing my elation as they do and I relayed to them all the details of my class and this new friend. (I also called them because I needed help saying her name, but we're going to ignore that for the sake of this post) It reminded me of a kindergartener coming home from school, yammering on about having someone to sneak nibbles of play doh with. Someone to share the crayons with. Or piping bags. Some delights in life may not ever go away. Relationships. People. Creating new bonds and forging new things. Together. This time with the assistance of 7lbs. of buttercream.