It seems like just about everyone has a blog these days. Heck, forget roommate has five. I can't even handle having two separate email accounts. Yet, somehow this same roommate convinced me that what I need in my life is pick up her drug of choice. So here goes. My first foray into the blogging world. Ten bucks says this will last about as long as my Twitter account. Two months. One tweet. Takers? Anyone?
I made cinnamon rolls tonight. Eight months ago, a rather attractive (and foreign) professor of mine complimented my penmanship – a surefire way to my heart. This led to my first attempt at making cinnamon rolls. I know his heart would have been mine (much to his wife's chagrin I'm sure) if it had not been for an unfortunate flat iron snafu that occurred right during those precious fifteen to twenty minutes at 350ยบ. So tonight I revisited cinnamon rolls. This time for boss appreciation day. I must throw out there that my boss is married and, contrary to some vicious rumors started by myself two sentences ago, I am in no way a home wrecker. I am also not attracted to my boss. I am, however, attracted to freshly sifted confectioners sugar and the way parchment paper fights to roll back up into its comfortable homeostatic cylinder. In these things I find solace. Baking is my therapy. It is my coping mechanism. At one point in my life (last week) I would have seen nothing wrong with allowing myself five minutes stalking time as a reward for not Facebook stalking an ex (don't judge, you know you've been there too). But instead now I choose to bake. Cupcakes. Cookies. Chicken. The neighbor's cat. Anything. And I'm finding that by the time the dough has risen or the crumb coat is complete, my heart is light and I am ready and excited to embrace another day. Well, at least I'm excited to embrace tomorrow...cinnamon rolls... :)